PHPAGA – a cool quotation, project management, time tracking, invoicing tool
PHPAGA: is the new kid on the open source project management software block…
PHPAGA is a web-based project/task/invoice/quotation tracking solution, providing an efficient, centralized manner to keep on top of your day-to-day jobs and activities. Its features include: printing invoices, quotations and task lists to PDF, productivity statistics per project or per person, and financial overview.
Frankly guys, I got no idea how they got to that shitty name, but still it’s built in Italy, so AGA maybe stands for some italian Project Management related abbrevation…
And most important, this is by far the most flexible and comprehensive timekeeping, project management and invoicing tool I’ve seen in the last 2 years…
of course there’s still no online-charging integration, but you got everything else you need as a Project Manager to keep manhours and materials, albeit I’m not sure the material catalog is good enough…
transforming a quote into a project works like a charm… seems to me like one of THOSE tools that are not just built to build one, but being used by the creators!
What is NOT in that tool is a real request/task tracking where I’m using Mantis: at the moment… and every Project Management dreams of migrating his internal requests into a project manager’s plan.
However - if you stick to creating quotes, project time plans (should be sufficient for quite a lot of average sized projects) and let your people type in their time in that tool you are perfect with it…
Frankly, believe this is the first OS Project Management tool I think is worth digging deeper since it’s usertinterface AND datamodel are both so comprehensive… even taxing is already prepared via country specific modules …
check it out!