PM Themes – 5
Despite having planned and agreed, with the project owner, the objectives required to successfully deliver the project> at its outset; it would be naive in the extreme to presume that no changes to those original plans would be either asked for or become quite apparently necessary as the project progresses>. Subsequently the $1Project Manager >has to be aware of the “$1Change theme>” which requires him or her to first identify and then $1assess and control any potential changes be they ones that are requested by the $1project owner or ones identified by the project team(s) needing approval by the owner.
Controlling change.
Accepting change as an inevitability> is the first step in being able to exert true control> over it. Having done that the experienced Project Manager will realize that acceptance of a situation is not of itself a solution – but having in place a $1procedure to control any changes> will make arriving at a solution much quicker and simpler. With requests for changes to the original agreements likely to be made from a variety of sources - having a “$1change procedure” in place will make sure that a common agreement that the change is necessary and good for $1the overall project can be established and that full authority is received before you actually allow any action to be taken pertaining to the requested change.
The change procedure.
The change procedure has five stages to it. To begin with you must Capture>, identify the issue for change, bringing it to the attention of all relevant teams. Secondly you need to Examine >the impact that the change will have on the project. You can then $1Propose> the options that will address the required change. To reach a $1Decision on what to do you then need to consult with the relevant authority for approval. The you can finally $1Implement the change, having incorporated it into the appropriate part of the overall project plan.