Project Management Apps
Having got you interested in the idea of using a Tablet PC in the last article, we thought this time out we’d better have a look at some of the better Project Management Apps out there that you might be interested in using. We’ll split this Project Management apps article in two parts, one dealing with the very best three Project Management apps for the Apple iPad and the second part which will be a more generalized look at the apps being marketed for Project Management on other tablet devices.
PM Apps for the iPad.
Needless to say, Apple want to try and keep you within their software stable and so to go with your new Apple hardware there is, inevitably, a Project Manager app built specifically for OSX and iOS called – Projector. In short Projector allows you to generate full Gantt schedules after specifying all the requirements in tasks, resources and likely obstacles. If you’re already working with Gantt OS software on your main computer then you might prefer to install the Project Planner HD app. This app can import and export Gantt files as .gan or .pdf - allowing you to view charts so as to manage your Project Management tasks, even within multiple projects. Similarly SG Project (two versions here Go and pro) allows you to import/export files and charts from and to MS Project.
Other Project Management apps.
The following are just a few of the ones we’ve looked at and found to be at least as good as their marketing materials suggest, something we’d advise you to do for yourself too before buying! Post Schedule, for Android devices, lets you read and schedule tasks from your Gantt charts, it will also collude with MS Project. Import/export is through .csv files to allow read-write functionality. Another Android product worth looking at, at least for comparative purposes, is Mobile Project Manager - which has a trial version for you to try out before making a purchase. Windows Project Management apps are a bit more reliable in terms of delivering off the shelf what they claim to. Task Merlin is quite a serious package and is particularly good – but it is also expensive for an app at around $50. Finally, if not included in the price of your Windows Tablet – do think about purchasing OneNote, very useful for quickly organizing your thoughts when out in the field discussing the project with your client or teams.