Project Management method
What makes managing a project> different to managing any task or function in a business? First of all a project is different to a regular task or function as it will invariably be a temporary occurrence. Secondly, a project’s purpose will be to deliver >a specific business aspect or product that has been identified as being necessary according to a previously defined business plan - rather than being concerned with the general day-to-day business of the company concerned.
Distinguishing projects and day-to-day business.
So, how can you distinguish between work that requires you to engage in day-to-day management as opposed to Project Management? The answer is CUTUC>! It is through a project by which Change> can be introduced. The very fact that you’re introducing a change means that something Unique> is going on in the company. Once the change is accomplished the project is completed and so it can only ever have a Temporary nature to it. By introducing change Uncertainty is bound to occur within the company, regarding both what will finally be achieved by the project and its impact on existing personnel and practices. However, the clearest indication that a project Manager is at work is the Cross-functional work that they do; leading and managing a multitude of teams and disciplines. All of this will, of course, be entirely familiar to any one trained in Project Management such as the PRINCE2 approach to Project Management.
Why you need a Project Manager method.
Which Project Management method> you choose is unimportant, but you will need a Project Manager method. Having, or rather using, one of the tried and tested Project Management methods will help you to clearly identify the principles>, themes, processes and the environment to which the project is working to. If the Project Managers’ role is to ensure the project is delivered on time> and in budget to a high quality of standard; he or she needs to know why the project is taking place, what needs doing, how it is to be done and what external factors to the project might impact on it.